Excellence in Education Grant Open
RRISD Partners in Education Foundation Excellence in Education Grants are now open. There is $125,000 available to enhance education in the classroom on your campus or department.
Apply at the RRISD Partners in Education Foundation website. Deadline has been extended to September 7th at 11:59pm, and more details are available to you on the link above. PTA Presidents and Principals, please encourage your teachers and staff to apply!!!
2019 Excellence in Education Grant Recipients
School Supplies Project Campaign
Our partnership with community members, like the Round Rock ISD PTA Council, is critical to the success of this year’s school supply drive. Last year with the support of everyone we were able to serve 15,000 students and family members. We were also able to provide every campus within the District additional product to help teachers who needed additional supplies. This year is so crucial for Round Rock ISD students to start their year off right and we need your support again. All proceeds raised will go straight to purchasing school supplies kits that will be delivered and continued to be delivered to all Round Rock ISD Campuses throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Text SUPPLIES to 71777 or follow the link HERE to make a monetary donation. Additional supplies are being collected throughout the community. Individuals or Organizations can drop off new and used supplies at the PIE Foundation office, located at 595 Round Rock West Dr, Suite 404, Round Rock, TX 78681.