What is the Clothes Closet?
The Clothes Closet is a service project conduced by the Round Rock ISD Council of PTAs which provides gently used clothing, as well as new socks and underwear, to Round Rock ISD students.
Who qualifies for the services of the Clothes Closet?
Any child attending one of the 56 Round Rock ISD schools.
Where is the Clothes Closet located and what are the hours of operation?
Xenia Voigt Elementary School1201 Cushing Drive
Round Rock, TX 78664-6799(512) 244-4359The original and larger building is located in a portable on the south side of Voigt Elementary, 1201 Cushing Drive, Round Rock (the portable faces School Days Lane). -
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 9:30a-11:30a during the school year, excluding school holidays.
Special Voigt Saturday Hours!
The 1st Saturday of each month, 10am-noon.
Anderson Mill Elementary School
10610 Salt Mill HollowAustin, TX 78750-1699(512) 428-3763The second location is in the front half of the portable located to the right of the entrance of Anderson Mill Elementary, 10610 Salt Mill Hollow, Austin.
Hours: Tuesday mornings only from 10AM to noon, during the school year excluding school holidays.
Special Anderson Mill Elementary Evening Hours!5-7pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month
How does the Clothes Closet obtain donations of clothing and new socks and underwear for its clients?
Clothes are donated by District families through their local schools. Donations can be left with the school nurse. The local PTAs contribute monetary donations each year to the RRISD Council of PTAs for support of the Clothes Closet. These funds are used to purchase new underwear and socks. Individual monetary donations are also accepted. (Receipts are available.) Local schools and their PTAs also hold Clothes Drives throughout the school year when items are needed.
What do the Clothes Closet clients receive?
Student clients receive 5 tops, 5 bottoms (pants, skirt, shorts or dress), 1 sweatshirt, 5 new pairs of underwear and 5 new pairs of socks per semester.
They may select one coat and one jacket per school year.
Who staffs the Clothes Closet?
Each Clothes Closet shift is staffed by a Council PTA rep, who serves as the shift leader and by volunteers from each local elementary, middle and high school PTA. The volunteer can be the school's Clothes Closet representative or any PTA volunteer or committee member designated by the Clothes Closet representative or PTA.
What are the responsibilities of each PTAs Clothes Closet representative?
1) Each rep or volunteer signs up to cover any 2-hour shift that works best with their schedules at either Clothes Closet
The operation of the Clothes Closet depends solely on the PTA volunteers. During the 2 hr. shift, the volunteers unpack and hang donated clothing as well as assist the shift leader behind the counter if necessary, with the distribution of socks and underwear and bagging of clothes.
2) Reps Publicize the Clothes Closet and the need for donations at school. (School newsletter, PTA meetings). Donations are normally left with the school nurse. The school nurse is then able to look through the clothing for anything they might need on their own campus before it is taken to the Clothes Closet. The Clothes Closet rep may also suggest donations be dropped off in a designated container at school. This is your preference. Monthly reminders in your schools enews for donations and volunteers are always helpful!
3) Sorts and launders clothing donations from school prior to delivering to Closet. (See Clothing Donation Guidelines)
5) Coordinates sock and/or underwear and/or clothing drives at school.
TOPS (graphic Tshirts and teen Tshirts always needed),
BOTTOMS (kids and teen pants are always needed, too),
- Appropriate for students in Grades Pre-K thru 12 only
- Conforms to RRISD dress code
- Free of stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc.
Our student clients want to dress like their peers.
Please take this into consideration when selecting clothes to donate.
- Laundered and ready to hang. (Hangers are provided.)
- No-show socks, boxers & boxer briefs are popular with students.
So that we may make the most of our volunteers time and because of limited space, we ask that you do not bring the following items to the Clothes Closet. Please donate them to another venue of your choosing:
- Adult style clothing and career wear
- Stained, worn out clothing
- Infant & toddler clothing
- Shoes, belts and accessories
- Toys
- Sleepwear/Lingerie
- Backpacks and lunch boxes
- Previously worn socks and underwear
- Local school spirit wear, logo shirts from places of employment, local sports leagues, church camps, etc. Texas Longhorn, Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, etc. apparel is okay.